联邦合规 & Student Consumer 信息

Required Disclosures and Consumer 信息 Disclosures

This web page provides a single collecting point for links to information about Pitzer学院 on a variety of subjects which may be helpful to prospective students, 他们的家庭, high school counselors and coaches, as well as prospective employees, current students and current employees. This information complies with the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, which requires institutions of higher education to disclose information and reports on various aspects of the institution’s policies, 程序, 运营和成本. Pitzer学院 is committed to complying with the applicable regulations and to providing candid, honest and reliable disclosures and student consumer information.

An individual may contact the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education to review a complaint.

Bureau Contact 信息
2355 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400
P: (916)431-6924
F: (916)263-1897

General Institutional 信息

  1. Institutional and Program Accreditation
    1. 批准或牌照
    2. Procedures for Approval or Licensing [PDF]
  2. 学术项目
    1. 教育项目
    2. Institutional Facilities
    3. 教师
    4. Plans by the Institution – currently there are no plans by the institution to change the academic program
  3. 书面协议 – Pitzer学院 offers approved study abroad and domestic exchange 项目. Students who participate in these types of 项目 是必需的 to sign a Conditions of Participation form outlining any extra costs and responsibilities.
  4. Transfer of Credit Policies
  5. Privacy of Student Records – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  6. Disability Services and Facilities
  7. Career Placement Services
  8. Cash Management Contracts – Pitzer学院 does not have any T1 or T2 cash management contracts.
  9. 学生群体多样性
  10. 学生活动
  11. 教材信息
  12. Copyright Infringement Policies and Sanctions
  13. 宪法日活动
  14. 学费/Housing/Food Refund Policies 
  15. Withdraw and Leave of Absence Policies

Student Financial Assistance

  1. Contact 信息 Regarding Institutional or 金融援助
  2. Student 金融援助 信息
    1. 未来的学生
    2. 当前的学生
  3. 出勤费用
    1. 出勤费用
    2. 学费 & 费用
  4. 净价计算器
  5. Refund Policy, Withdrawal, and Return of Title IV 金融援助
  6. Federal Student 金融援助 Penalties for Drug Law Violations
  7. 国家补助金援助
  8. 行为准则
  9. 入学咨询
    1. 直接贷款咨询
  10. Exit Counseling for Student Borrowers
    1. 直接贷款咨询
    2. Perkins Loan Counseling – Exit counseling sessions, which cover: repayment schedule and current loan balances, 每月付款金额, 到期日期, 还有利率, 是必需的. Students will be contacted in April with links and instructions how to complete these forms.
  11. 私人贷款
  12. Preferred Lender Disclosures – Pitzer学院 does not maintain a preferred lender list
  13. Disclosures Related to the end of the Perkins Loan – Due to the Federal Perkins Loan Program Extension Act of 2015 (The Extension Act), 12月18日颁布, 2015, the Federal Perkins Loan Program has expired as of September 30, 2017. For the 2017-2018 academic year, Pitzer学院 did not award or disburse Perkins Loans.
  14. Disclosure of Repayment 信息 about Perkins Loan – Exit counseling sessions, which cover: repayment schedule and current loan balances, 每月付款金额, 到期日期, 还有利率, 是必需的. Students will be contacted in April with links and instructions how to complete these forms.

Health, Safety and Security

  1. Annual Fire Safety and Security Report [PDF]
  2. 罪案记录[PDF]
  3. 消防日志[PDF]
  4. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program Review [PDF]
  5. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Materials [PDF]
  6. 信息 for Crime Victims about Disciplinary Proceedings [PDF]
  7. 学生行为准则
  8. Missing Student Notification Policy [PDF]
  9. Victims of Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault or Stalking Rights Notice
  10. 无毒的工作场所
  11. Timely Warning of Campus Crime & 安全问题
  12. 疫苗接种政策
  13. 学生健康服务


  1. 保持率
  2. 完成/毕业 & 传输速率 —参见常用数据集
  3. 运动完成 & Graduation Rates – Not required: Pitzer学院 does not award athletically related student aid
  4. Job Placement Rates [PDF]
  5. Types of Graduate and Professional Education that Graduates Enroll In [PDF]
  6. Gainful Employment Programs – Pitzer学院 does not offer Gainful Employment 项目

Intercollegiate Athletic Program

  1. 这里生活的报告


  1. 选民登记 Forms

Last updated October 2023